To install the WordPerfect driver from the Printer Driver disk, follow these instructions: 1. Insert the disk in drive A: (or B:) 2. At the operating system prompt, type A: (or B:) and press ENTER to make A: (or B:) the current drive. 3. At the prompt, type DRIVE4Si A) At the main menu, select WordPerfect B) Select Copy Driver File(s) C) Enter the path of your installed version of WordPerfect. For example, C:\WP51, and then press ENTER. When the update is complete, the following message appears: "The driver file has been copied to your hard disk." 4. You must now run WordPerfect to select the printer driver. To add the HP LaserJet 4Si/4Si MX printer to the list you must run WordPerfect, then: Press Shift-F7 Press S (for Select) Press 2 (for Additional Printers) Highlight HP LaserJet 4Si Press Enter Technical support for WordPerfect may be obtained by calling 1 800 541-5170. =================================================================